
southgate solicitors

Local Authority Services

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Local Authority Services

We're here to help you

Send your details to us and we will call you back to take further information about your matter.

If you are looking for help with any separation services our specialist solicitors can help you. In addition to office meetings, we offer remote meetings by telephone or video if preferred. To discuss your options call us 24/7 on 0208 004 0065 or email us at [email protected] 

Expert Family Law Services: Local Authority Interventions

When facing legal challenges involving local authority interventions, the journey can feel daunting and complex, especially when it concerns the welfare and safety of children. At Southgate Solicitors, we specialize in navigating these sensitive situations, offering comprehensive legal support to families under scrutiny or in need of assistance. Our goal is to work alongside you, ensuring that your rights are protected and the best interests of your children are prioritized. Discover our services tailored to address issues related to care proceedings, local authority interventions, and protective measures for children.

Care Proceedings

Care proceedings aim to protect children at risk of significant harm, potentially leading to changes in their living arrangements. Our team provides robust legal representation, striving for solutions that prioritize the child’s welfare and family integrity.

Public Law Outline (PLO)

The PLO process offers a critical opportunity to address the local authority’s concerns outside of court. With our expertise, we guide you through this process, advocating for your family’s rights and working towards keeping families together whenever possible.

Supervision Order Proceedings

Facing supervision proceedings can be overwhelming. Our solicitors are dedicated to supporting you through this period, ensuring that the local authority’s involvement leads to constructive outcomes for your child’s safety and family unity.

Emergency Protection Orders (EPO)

In urgent situations where a child’s safety is at immediate risk, EPOs provide temporary protective measures. We offer immediate legal assistance to navigate these critical circumstances effectively.

Police Protection Orders (PPO)

A PPO represents an urgent intervention by the police to safeguard a child. Our team responds swiftly to provide legal support and advice on the best course of action following such an order.

Section 20 Agreements

Voluntarily placing your child under the care of the local authority is a significant decision. We ensure you fully understand the implications and advocate for arrangements that best serve your child’s interests.

Child Protection Plans

Engagement with child protection plans is essential. We assist families in complying with these plans, aiming to prevent further legal intervention and promote a positive outcome for the child.

Special Guardianship

Special Guardianship offers a stable and secure family environment for children who cannot live with their birth parents. Our solicitors guide you through the application process, ensuring the arrangement supports the child’s long-term welfare.

What we can do

At southgate solicitors, we offer comprehensive assistance tailored to your needs throughout your separation journey. Our team of experienced professionals understand the intricacies of family law and are dedicated to providing you with the expertise and support you need during what can be a daunting and highly emotional time.  We have Resolution members and also hold Law Society Family Law Advanced Panel Accreditation which demonstrates our knowledge, skill and expertise in this area of law. 

Why us?

Award-Winning Firm

Personalised Services

Clear Costings

Proven Results

Specialist Solicitors

Meet our team

How we work with you

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Contact Us

You can either call us 24/7, email us at [email protected] or fill out our contact form below with your basic details

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Initial Call

Our client services team will take details of your case during a no-obligation call to ensure that it is something we can help you with

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Strategy Meeting

A specialist solicitor will meet with you to go through your matter in detail and advise on a strategy and options

Ready to discuss your case?

What our clients say


If contacted by the local authority, it’s crucial to seek legal advice immediately. Our team can help you understand the concerns raised and represent you in any meetings or proceedings.

Preparing for a pre-proceedings meeting involves understanding the concerns, gathering relevant information, and having legal representation. Our solicitors can accompany you to these meetings, offering support and advice.

During care proceedings, you have the right to legal representation, to be heard, and to participate in decisions affecting your child. Our team ensures your rights are upheld throughout the process.

Southgate Solicitors offers comprehensive legal support for families dealing with local authority interventions, from advisory services to courtroom representation, ensuring your family’s rights and interests are protected.

Yes, decisions made by the local authority can be challenged. We can advise you on the best approach, whether it’s through negotiations, mediation, or court proceedings.

We're here to help you

Send your details to us and we will call you back to take further information about your matter, or you can click the number below.

We're here to help you

Send your details to us and we will call you back to take further information about your matter, or you can click the number below.